Thursday, November 19, 2020

Creating Pre-emphasis Audio CD (CD-R, technically)

Creating FIR filter coefficients of pre-emphasis

Pre-emphasis frequency  response PdB(f) = - TdB(f) for all frequencies f.
-log10x=log10 ( 1x) therefore

De-emphasis TdB(f) =10log10( 1+ 1 (0.000015·2πf)2 1+ 1 (0.00005·2πf)2 )-10.4576……(1)
f : frequency (Hz)
TdB(f) : De-emphasis filter gain (dB)

Pre-emphasis PdB(f) =10log10( 1+ 1 (0.00005·2πf)2 1+ 1 (0.000015·2πf)2 )+10.4576……(2)
f : frequency (Hz)
PdB(f) : Pre-emphasis filter gain (dB)

Note: Math equations of this article uses MathML and it seems it is displayed correctly only on Firefox (as of November 2020).

Now we have frequency response equation of pre-emphasis (2) and FIR filter coefficients can be calculated from  (2) using frequency sampling method, which is explained on the previous article.

Burning Audio CD-R with pre-emphasis

I used Windows PC for the following tasks.


Prepare Audio tracks with pre-emphasised

Prepare sound tracks of our Audio CD. 

PCM should be pre-emphasis filtered 44.1kHz 16bit WAV.

 I prepared the CD track WAV files Track01.wav and Track02.wav on C:\audio folder.


Install Cygwin and cdrecord

Download and run Cygwin setup-x86_64.exe 

Install cdrecord package: On the Select Packages menu on the Cygwin installer, Set View to "Full" and input "cdr" to Search. cdrecord package will be shown. On the pulldown list of the New column, select cdrecord version number to install.

Burn Pre-emphasis Audio data to CD-R 

Connect CD-R, DVD-R or BD-RW drive to the computer and insert CD-R.

Start → Cygwin → Cygwin64 Terminal.

Change current directory to C:\audio . Type the following text on the Cygwin64 Terminal :

$ cd /cygdrive/c/audio

Then type ls to show the file list of C:\audio folder. Make sure your wav files are there.

Create Audio CD with pre-emphasis:

$ cdrecord -audio -preemp Track01.wav Track02.wav

View Burned Audio CD-R track info using Exact Audio Copy

It seems Pre-emp is "Yes" 😄

Reading Channel status bit of S/PDIF signal from CD player

Inserted created pre-emphasis CD-R to a CD transport Marantz SA-15S1 and played. And watched its S/PDIF signal using RME Fireface UC and found emphasis flag of channel status is "None". This means the CD transport de-emphasised PCM signal in digital domain and no further de-emphasis is necessary on receiver/DAC. 

It is possible to de-emphasis pre-emphasised PCM signal by playing it on the CD transport and recording S/PDIF signal using PCM recorder.

Pre-emphasis FIR Filter coefficients of 27 taps

This FIR filter is for 44.1kHz PCM.


Filtering sound files using sox

The following examples inputs 44.1kHz PCM file inFile.flac and apply 27taps Pre-emphasis FIR filter and output it as outFile.flac (this filter increases gain so sample value overflow may occur):

sox inFile.flac outFile.flac fir -0.0001031041010544631 3.9223988214258376E-05 -0.00035340551190767011 8.1196136261327267E-05 -0.00091024157376404236 -0.00022270417890876693 -0.0025945766943699933 -0.0022553226067039134 -0.009562843431584811 -0.015097813965845558 -0.051492871033445048 -0.11992388565207374 -0.44071105358364959 2.2862148044176558 -0.44071105358364959 -0.11992388565207374 -0.051492871033445048 -0.015097813965845558 -0.009562843431584811 -0.0022553226067039134 -0.0025945766943699933 -0.00022270417890876693 -0.00091024157376404236 8.1196136261327267E-05 -0.00035340551190767011 3.9223988214258376E-05 -0.0001031041010544631

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Designing De-emphasis Digital Filter for old CDs Part 3: Using Reference Equation

 There is a reference de-emphasis equation on this page (Thanks miguelito-san) :

TdB(f) =10log10( 1+ 1 (0.000015·2πf)2 1+ 1 (0.00005·2πf)2 )-10.4576……(1)
f : frequency (Hz)
TdB(f) : De-emphasis filter gain (dB)

This decibel is root power quantity therefore actual gain magnitude value T(f) is:

T(f) = 10TdB(f)/20……(2)
f : frequency (Hz)
T(f) : De-emphasis filter gain magnitude value at frequency f

Note 1: Math equations of this article uses MathML and it seems it is displayed correctly only on Firefox (as of November 2020).

Note 2: It seems 0.00005 and 0.000015 of equation 1 means 50 microseconds and 15 microseconds respectively and it is called 50/15 microsec emphasis.

On this article, equation (2) is used to create frequency sampling FIR digital filter.

Calculation steps are very similar to Part 2.

Example : Calculation of M=9 taps FIR filter coeffs using equation T(f)

Following is the procedure to design a linear-phase FIR filter using frequency sampling method. All the following calculation can be performed using  Excel spreadsheet.

When sampling frequency==44100 Hz and Desired FIR filter taps M==9,

Frequency sampling index k=0,1,2, ... , M-12 = 4, i.e.

k = 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4

We design de-emphasis filter for CD, therefore PCM sampling frequency = 44100Hz.

Frequency sampling angle frequency ωk=2πkM and its respective frequency is:

  • k = 0 :   ω0 = 0, freq0 = 0 Hz
  • k = 1 :   ω1 = 2π/9, freq1 = (44100/2π)(2π/9) = 44100 / 9 Hz = 4900 Hz
  • k = 2 :   ω2 = 4π/9, freq2 = (44100/2π)(4π/9) = 44100 * 2 / 9 Hz = 9800 Hz
  • k = 3 :   ω3 = 6π/9, freq3 = (44100/2π)(6π/9) = 44100 * 3 / 9 Hz = 14700 Hz
  • k = 4 :   ω4 = 8π/9, freq4 = (44100/2π)(8π/9) = 44100 * 4 / 9 Hz = 19600 Hz

Get filter gain on those frequencies Hr(ωk) using Equation (2):

  • Hr(ω0) = T(0) = 1
  • Hr(ω1) = T(4900) = 0.60004356
  • Hr(ω2) = T(9800) = 0.420524967
  • Hr(ω3) = T(14700) = 0.361602897
  • Hr(ω4) = T(19600) = 0.336724814

Then G(k) is calculated from Hr(ωk) by G(k) = (-1)k Hr(ωk) ……(3) :

  • G(0) = (-1)0 Hr(ω0) = 1
  • G(1) = (-1)1 Hr(ω1) = -0.60004356
  • G(2) = (-1)2 Hr(ω2) = 0.420524967
  • G(3) = (-1)3 Hr(ω3) = -0.361602897
  • G(4) = (-1)4 Hr(ω4) = 0.336724814

FIR filter coefficients h(k) can be calculated by h(k) = 1M{G(0)+2 n=1 (M-1)/2 G(n)cos2πn(k+1/2)M} …(4)

  • h(0) = 0.030212113446082472
  • h(1) = 0.040656939222222181
  • h(2) = 0.063594885887469199
  • h(3) = 0.11899203499978166
  • h(4) = 0.49308805288888891

Finally, this FIR filter is symmetry (linear phase), therefore h(8) = h(0), h(7) = h(1), h(6) = h(2), h(5) = h(3).

  • h(0) = 0.030212113446082472
  • h(1) = 0.040656939222222181
  • h(2) = 0.063594885887469199
  • h(3) = 0.11899203499978166
  • h(4) = 0.49308805288888891
  • h(5) = 0.11899203499978166
  • h(6) = 0.063594885887469199
  • h(7) = 0.040656939222222181
  • h(8) = 0.030212113446082472

We've got all the 9 FIR filter coefficients h(n) where n=0, 1, 2, ..., 8

Evaluating Frequency Response of the FIR filter obtained

Now one FIR filter is available for testing. FIR filter gain of arbitrary angular frequency ω can be calculated using the following equation:

Gain(ω) = k=0 M-1 h(k)e-jkω ……(5)

Equation (5) is complex number, which provides more info than we'd like to have (we need only frequency-gain response of the filter: the frequency-phase response is known to be linear with 4 samples of delay, this means frequency-phase error is zero for all frequencies when output signal is shifted by 4 samples to align to input signal). Real part and imaginary part of (5) can be calculated separately:

Gainreal(ω) = k=0 M-1 h(k)cos(-kω) ……(5r)
Gainimaginary(ω) = k=0 M-1 h(k)sin(-kω) ……(5i)

And the FIR filter Gain magnitude is calculated as follows: Gainmagnitude(ω) = Gainreal(ω)2 + Gainimaginary(ω)2 ……(6)

Finally Gain in decibel is: GaindB(ω) = 20log10{Gainmagnitude(ω)} ……(7)

For our M=9 FIR filter, frequency response can be calculated using equation (7). Using the reference equation (1), desirable gain of any frequency can be calculated, it is possible to compare gain values at as many frequency points as you wish. I compared 10Hz to 22040Hz semitone step frequency points and created Fig.1.

Fig.1. 9 taps FIR de-emphasis filter frequency response.

Comparing to the original de-emphasis table, max error of this FIR filter is 0.878 dB on 7360Hz, It is poor. The filtering quality can be improved by increasing M.

Searching the optimal FIR filter tap number M

FIR Filter Taps M Max Error (dB)
9 0.878
15 0.1704
17 0.115
19 0.0631
21 0.0522
23 0.0231
25 0.0272
27 0.00882

Table 1: FIR Filter taps and max error 

Fig.2 : Frequency Response of FIR Filter, taps=19  note: frequency axis is logarithmic.

Fig.3 : Frequency Response of FIR Filter, taps=27  note: frequency axis is logarithmic.

Fig.4 : Gain Error of FIR Filter, taps=27


From the Table 1, 

  • If the max error should be below 0.1 dB, use 19-tap FIR filter.
  • If the max error should be below 0.01 dB, use 27-tap FIR filter.

De-emphasis FIR Filter Coefficients for 44.1kHz PCM data

19-tap linear-phase FIR filter coefficients h(k) of max error < 0.1 dB is as follows:


27-tap linear-phase FIR filter coefficients h(k) of max error < 0.01 dB is as follows:


If you'd like to listen to poorly designed de-emphasis filter sound to compare to better one, use 9-tap filter coefficients.😀

Performing de-emphasis filtering to the pre-emphasised sound file using sox

With sox, it is possible to use those FIR filter coefficients rather direct fashion to filter the 44.1kHz PCM sound files. The following examples inputs inFile.flac and apply 27-tap de-emphasis FIR filter and output it as outFile.flac:

sox inFile.flac outFile.flac fir 0.00031102739649091732 0.00036885685453166665 0.00057659816229764602 0.00082952248115418167 0.001449970925925961 0.0022387507393955598 0.0039420948394406248 0.0063363475292175873 0.011215231698621361 0.018685854350970088 0.033951734838472802 0.059076192885731141 0.11592376177923121 0.49018811103703697 0.11592376177923121 0.059076192885731141 0.033951734838472802 0.018685854350970088 0.011215231698621361 0.0063363475292175873 0.0039420948394406248 0.0022387507393955598 0.001449970925925961 0.00082952248115418167 0.00057659816229764602 0.00036885685453166665 0.00031102739649091732

Search internet for "sox sound exchange" to get your sox copy. It is free of charge.


Next article: Creating Pre-emphasis Audio CD

Monday, November 9, 2020

Designing De-emphasis Digital Filter for Old CDs Part 2 : Frequency Sampling Method

On the previous blog post, we've got a 6th degree polynomial function of de-emphasis curve Equation 1:

fdB(x) = -0.0000029212346025337816x6 +0.00020291497408909238x5 -0.0054888099286801205x4 +0.071110615465301924x3 -0.40078216359333169x2 -0.11354738870338571x

x : frequency (kHz)
fdB(x): filter gain (dB)

Note: Math equations of this article uses MathML and it seems it is displayed correctly only on Firefox (as of November 2020).

This decibel is root power quantity therefore actual gain value f(x) is:

f(x) = 10fdB(x)/20…(2)

Next step is to create filter gain table of equal spacing frequency using this function.

And create the filter, evaluate its frequency response error from original de-emphasis table and choose the best FIR filter tap number M.


Example : Calculation of M=9 taps FIR filter coeffs

When sampling frequency==44100 Hz and Desired FIR filter taps M==9,

Frequency sampling index k=0,1,2, .., M-12=4

k=0,1,2,3 and 4

Frequency sampling angle frequency ωk=2πkM :

  • k=0:  ω0 = 0,  freq0 = 0 Hz
  • k=1:  ω1 = 2π/9,  freq1 = (44100/2π)(2π/9) = 44100 / 9 Hz = 4900 Hz
  • k=2:  ω2 = 4π/9,  freq2 = (44100/2π)(4π/9) = 44100 * 2 / 9 Hz = 9800 Hz
  • k=3:  ω3 = 6π/9,  freq3 = (44100/2π)(6π/9) = 44100 * 3 / 9 Hz = 14700 Hz
  • k=4:  ω4 = 8π/9,  freq4 = (44100/2π)(8π/9) = 44100 * 4 / 9 Hz = 19600 Hz

Get filter gain on those frequencies Hr(ωk) using Equation (2):

  • Hr(ω0) = f(0) = 1
  • Hr(ω1) = f(4.9) = 0.599479869
  • Hr(ω2) = f(9.8) = 0.419371436
  • Hr(ω3) = f(14.7) = 0.359695479
  • Hr(ω4) = f(19.6) = 0.33620803

Then G(k) is calculated from Hr(ωk) by G(k) = (-1)k Hr(ωk) ……(3) :

  • G(0) = (-1)0 Hr(ω0) = 1
  • G(1) = (-1)1 Hr(ω1) = -0.599479869
  • G(2) = (-1)2 Hr(ω2) = 0.419371436
  • G(3) = (-1)3 Hr(ω3) = -0.359695479
  • G(4) = (-1)4 Hr(ω4) = 0.33620803

FIR filter coefficients h(n) can be calculated by h(n) = 1M{G(0)+2 k=1 (M-1)/2 G(k)cos2πk(n+1/2)M} …(4)

  • h(0) = 0.0303254491484693
  • h(1) = 0.0404812914444444
  • h(2) = 0.0639379770301665
  • h(3) = 0.119171414154698
  • h(4) = 0.492167736444444

And finally, This FIR filter is symmetry shape, therefore h(8) = h(0), h(7) = h(1), h(6) = h(2), h(5) = h(3).

  • h(0) = 0.0303254491484693
  • h(1) = 0.0404812914444444
  • h(2) = 0.0639379770301665
  • h(3) = 0.119171414154698
  • h(4) = 0.492167736444444
  • h(5) = 0.119171414154698
  • h(6) = 0.0639379770301665
  • h(7) = 0.0404812914444444
  • h(8) = 0.0303254491484693

We've got all the 9 FIR coefficient values h(n).

Evaluating Frequency Response of FIR filter

Now one FIR filter coefficients h(n) is available for testing. FIR filter gain of arbitrary angular frequency ω can be calculated using the following equation:

Gain(ω) = k=0 M-1 h(k)e-jkω ……(5)

Real part and imaginary part of (5) can be calculated separately:

Gainreal(ω) = k=0 M-1 h(k)cos(-kω) ……(5r)
Gainimaginary(ω) = k=0 M-1 h(k)sin(-kω) ……(5i)

And FIR filter Gain magnitude is calculated as follows: Gainmagnitude(ω) = Gainreal(ω)2 + Gainimaginary(ω)2 ……(6)

Finally Gain in decibel is: GaindB(ω) = 20log10{Gainmagnitude(ω)} ……(7)

For our M=9 FIR filter, frequency response can be calculated using equation (7):

Table 1

Comparing to the original de-emphasis table, max error of this FIR filter is 0.87 dB on 7kHz, It is poor and may be M=9 is too small.

Finding Optimal FIR filter taps M

I'd like to have < 0.1 dB error of FIR filter with minimum filter taps. Calculated error from the original table on several M using DesignFrequencySamplingFilter and compared their performance.

Filter taps MMax error from the original table
90.871 dB
170.217 dB
190.140 dB
210.172 dB
230.104 dB
250.118 dB
270.0779 dB
290.0802 dB
310.0795 dB
330.0770 dB
Table 2

From the table 2, M=27 is the most desirable one.

On M=27,  maximum error from the original table is 0.0779 dB on 2kHz.

Resulted linear-phase FIR filter coefficients h(n) of M=27 for 44.1kHz PCM is as follows:


Fig.1 M=27 de-emphasis FIR Filter frequency response

This linear-phase de-emphasis FIR filter is available on DSP menu of PlayPcmWin 5.0.79. Source code is




 J.G. Proakis & D.G. Manolakis: Digital Signal Processing, 4th edition, 2007, Chapter 10, pp. 671-678

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Designing De-emphasis Digital Filter for Old CDs Part 1: Polynomial Fitting

I have one pre-emphasis CD and ripped it to FLAC files. In order to play it correctly, de-emphasis is necessary. So started to design de-emphasis filter for 44.1kHz PCM.

There are many ways to design filters. I chose frequency-sampling method to create linear-phase FIR filter.

De-emphasis filter curve

From the following page, there is a frequency response table:

f(kHz)De-emphasis filter gain (dB)
Table 1 De-emphasis filter frequency response

Polynomial fitting

In order to design the filter, it is necessary to know the filter gain of arbitrary frequency. So I tried Excel polynomial fit to find the best polynomial equation.

Note: this process is not necessary, because reference frequency response function is available:

Fig.1 line fitting

Fig.2 2nd degree polynomial fit

Fig.3 3rd degree polynomial fit

Fig.4 4th degree polynomial fit

Fig.5 5th degree polynomial fit

Fig.6 6th degree polynomial fit

From the graphs above, 6th degree polynomial is the best and I decided to use it. other functions have a problem on the 0Hz~2kHz region, and its frequency band is very important for music. the error can be reduced further by increasing polynomial degree but I think < 0.1 dB is sufficient.

Calculating Polynomial coefficient

Excel shows 6th degree polynomial coefficient values on Fig.6, but it is ballpark values and more precise coefficient values are needed. Polynomial fit code WWPolynomialFit.cs to get 6th polynomial coefficient values.

Result is:
0.028327961846712043 -0.11354738870338571 -0.40078216359333169 0.071110615465301924 -0.0054888099286801205 0.00020291497408909238 -0.0000029212346025337816

Table 2. 6th degree polynomial coefficients

There is a very small constant value but it should be 0 to prevent PCM integer overflow, so I just modified constant coefficient to zero.

Resulted equation is:

y= -0.0000029212346025337816x6 +0.00020291497408909238x5 -0.0054888099286801205x4 +0.071110615465301924x3 -0.40078216359333169x2 -0.11354738870338571x ……(1)
x : Frequency (kHz)
y : Filter gain (dB)

Note: Math equations of this article uses MathML and it seems it is displayed correctly only on Firefox (as of November 2020).

Error from the table values are: 0.079 dB on 1kHz, 0.053 dB on 2kHz, and so on.

Now it is possible to get the filter gain at arbitrary frequency using the equation (1).

Continued to Part 2:

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Creating Music Key predictor AI


I purchased Scott Ross Scarlatti CD box that contains all the Scarlatti keyboard sonatas.

Listened to a few pieces and found they modulate frequently and I'd like to know what key is played on now.


Creating training data for 24 key classifier Linear Support Vector Machine

Rip Scarlatti Scott Ross CDs from K1 to K100 to create K1.flac to K100.flac

The harpsichord is tuned in baroque pitch. I'm not good at inspecting the key of baroque pitch so pitch is increased by semitone to concert pitch using WWArbitraryResampler. And convert them to monaural WAV and store on WAV_Reference directory for AI training.


Listen to FLAC of concert pitch files from K1 to K100 and roughly write down time and key:

On K25,  Cisdur appears but it is changed to Desdur (to converge number of keys to 24). 

Create harpsichord key press data for learning. FFT with 16384 window length and extract 110Hz (A2) to 1318.5Hz (E6) frequency components by semitone step (Fig.1). harpsichod have several lower keys, but lower key press info is blurred and spread to adjacent keys so I decided to exclude them.

Fig.1: harpsichord keys.

On Matlab, run classificationLearner() and input spectral component data of 24 keys music snippets and learn LinearSVM to create linear SVM model and export C# Linear SVM coefficients. 

Resulted classifier code: 

Created app, WWKeyClassifier2:


Fig.2 WWKeyClassifier App

Accuracy of the SVM classifier

There are 24 keys categories to be classified. 12 major keys and 12 minor keys.

Combination(24,2) = 276 one-by-one Binary Classifier is created from the training. For example, Cdur-Cmoll classifier can tell is input music Cdur or Cmoll,  there is Cdur-Amoll classifier, Cdur-Gdur classifier and so on.

Prediction accuracy is about 80%. It seems Hdur tends to falsely classified as Edur.

Table 1 : confusion matrix of the 24 keys classifier.

What the AI learned from the training

Following is the`beta' coefficient table of Cdur-Cmoll binary linear SVM classifier. This table means: when E note is appeared, it is probably Cdur. When Es (Dis in the following graph) note is appeared, it is probably Cmoll. This is somewhat understandable. 


When the music is found to be either Cdur or Cmoll,

  • E note is appeared→ it is probably Cdur.
  • Es note is appeared→ it is probably Cmoll.
AI automatically obtained this knowledge from `Scarlatti listening' training 😀I'm envious of computers that have an absolute pitch.

 Table 2: Cdur-Cmoll binary classifier beta coefficients.

Table 3: Cdur-Amoll classifier. G note→Cdur, Gis note→Amoll.

Table 4: Cdur-Gdur classifier. Fis note→Gdur. F note→Cdur. E note→may be Cdur.



Table 5: Cdur-Fdur classifier. H note→Cdur, B note→Fdur. D note→may be Cdur. A note→may be Fdur.

Table 6: Hdur-Edur classifier. A note→Edur, Ais note→Hdur. Cis note→may be Hdur. Gis note→may be Edur. There is no apparent flaw seen on this chart but this classifier tends to falsely classify Hdur music as Edur.

Table 7: Cdur-Fisdur classifier. This is easy job. Computer never mis-classify Cdur music as Fisdur because those two keys are very different.

About Voting

There are Combination(24,2) = 276 binary classifiers, each classifier tells which key is more probable with given two keys. For example, Desdur-Cdur classifier tells inputted data is Desdur or Cdur. When one FFT data is inputted, our Multiclass Classifier runs 276 binary classifiers and choose most voted key as a result.

For example, this process creates something like the following table and "Dmoll" is chosen as a most probable result. From the table, it seems the next candidate is Adur and Ddur.

-  Cdur  Desdur  Ddur  Esdur  Edur  Fdur  Fisdur  Gdur  Asdur  Adur  Bdur  Hdur  Cmoll  Cismoll  Dmoll  Dismoll  Emoll  Fmoll  Fismoll  Gmoll  Gismoll  Amoll  Bmoll  Hmoll
Cdur  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Desdur  Cdur -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Ddur  Ddur Ddur -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Esdur  Cdur Esdur Ddur -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Edur  Cdur Edur Ddur Edur -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Fdur  Fdur Fdur Ddur Fdur Fdur -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Fisdur  Cdur Desdur Ddur Esdur Edur Fdur -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Gdur  Gdur Gdur Ddur Gdur Gdur Fdur Gdur -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Asdur  Cdur Asdur Ddur Esdur Edur Fdur Asdur Gdur -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Adur  Adur Adur Ddur Adur Adur Adur Adur Adur Adur -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Bdur  Cdur Bdur Ddur Bdur Edur Fdur Bdur Gdur Bdur Adur -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Hdur  Cdur Hdur Ddur Esdur Edur Fdur Hdur Gdur Asdur Adur Bdur -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Cmoll  Cdur Cmoll Ddur Cmoll Cmoll Fdur Cmoll Gdur Cmoll Adur Bdur Cmoll -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Cismoll  Cdur Cismoll Ddur Esdur Edur Fdur Cismoll Gdur Cismoll Adur Bdur Cismoll Cmoll -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Dmoll  Dmoll Dmoll Dmoll Dmoll Dmoll Dmoll Dmoll Dmoll Dmoll Dmoll Dmoll Dmoll Dmoll Dmoll -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Dismoll  Cdur Dismoll Ddur Esdur Edur Fdur Dismoll Gdur Dismoll Adur Bdur Dismoll Cmoll Cismoll Dmoll -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Emoll  Cdur Emoll Ddur Emoll Emoll Fdur Emoll Gdur Emoll Adur Emoll Emoll Cmoll Emoll Dmoll Emoll -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Fmoll  Cdur Fmoll Ddur Fmoll Edur Fdur Fmoll Gdur Fmoll Adur Bdur Fmoll Cmoll Fmoll Dmoll Fmoll Emoll -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Fismoll  Cdur Fismoll Ddur Esdur Edur Fdur Fismoll Gdur Fismoll Adur Bdur Fismoll Cmoll Fismoll Dmoll Fismoll Fismoll Fismoll -  -  -  -  -  -
Gmoll  Cdur Gmoll Ddur Gmoll Gmoll Fdur Gmoll Gdur Gmoll Adur Gmoll Gmoll Gmoll Gmoll Dmoll Gmoll Gmoll Gmoll Gmoll -  -  -  -  -
Gismoll  Cdur Gismoll Ddur Esdur Edur Fdur Gismoll Gdur Asdur Adur Bdur Hdur Cmoll Cismoll Dmoll Dismoll Emoll Fmoll Fismoll Gmoll -  -  -  -
Amoll  Cdur Amoll Ddur Amoll Edur Amoll Amoll Gdur Amoll Adur Amoll Amoll Amoll Amoll Dmoll Amoll Amoll Amoll Amoll Amoll Amoll -  -  -
Bmoll  Cdur Bmoll Ddur Esdur Edur Fdur Bmoll Gdur Bmoll Adur Bdur Bmoll Cmoll Cismoll Dmoll Bmoll Emoll Fmoll Fismoll Gmoll Bmoll Amoll -  -
Hmoll  Cdur Hmoll Ddur Hmoll Hmoll Fdur Hmoll Gdur Hmoll Adur Hmoll Hmoll Hmoll Hmoll Dmoll Hmoll Hmoll Hmoll Hmoll Hmoll Hmoll Amoll Hmoll -

Monday, July 20, 2020

Running Simple DirectX12 Compute Shader: Looking into Dispatch xyz, numthreads xyz, SV_GroupIndex and SV_GroupID xyz

There are many arguments to run compute shader and many arguments are passed to compute shader main function.

On this post, a computer shader is executed with
  • Dispatch(4,1,1)
  • numthreads(3,1,1)
to see what argument values are passed to compute shader main function.

Source code

Compute shader:

C++ program to run the compute shader:

Compute shader to run on the GPU

Sandbox.hlsl : this compute shader is called with Dispatch(4,1,1)
RWStructuredBuffer<float> g_output   : register(u0);

[numthreads(3, 1, 1)]
    uint tid : SV_GroupIndex,                 // 0 <= tid < 3 ← numthreads(3,1,1)
    uint3 groupIdXYZ : SV_GroupID)   // 0 <= groupIdXYZ.x < 4
    int idx = tid + groupIdXYZ.x * 5;
    g_output[idx] = 1;

Shader setup

Please refer TestSandboxShader.cpp. It compiles Sandbox.hlsl as a compute shader, prepares GPU buffer of 4096 bytes and sets Unordered Access View, creates compute state, calls Dispatch(4,1,1), and copy GPU buffer memory values to CPU memory of float array.

Compute Shader resources, shader main function arguments and thread group

Unordered Access View u0 is visible from the compute shader. Shader can read/write to this buffer.

CSMain function is called 12 times total, function argument of each call is as follows:
CSMain(tid=0, groupIdXYZ=0,0,0)
CSMain(tid=1, groupIdXYZ=0,0,0)
CSMain(tid=2, groupIdXYZ=0,0,0)

CSMain(tid=0, groupIdXYZ=1,0,0)
CSMain(tid=1, groupIdXYZ=1,0,0)
CSMain(tid=2, groupIdXYZ=1,0,0)

CSMain(tid=0, groupIdXYZ=2,0,0)
CSMain(tid=1, groupIdXYZ=2,0,0)
CSMain(tid=2, groupIdXYZ=2,0,0)

CSMain(tid=0, groupIdXYZ=3,0,0)
CSMain(tid=1, groupIdXYZ=3,0,0)
CSMain(tid=2, groupIdXYZ=3,0,0)
3 subsequent calls share the same groupIdXYZ and those 3 calls are executed "simultaneously": GPU has several hundred cores. 3 tasks are assigned to 3 individual GPU cores and they runs in parallel (See the following image). On more practical compute shader, it is important to run 128 or more shaders in parallel: something like numthreads(128,1,1) to utilize GPU cores fully.
Those 3 function calls that shares the same groupIdXYZ is called the thread group. GPU function calls of the same thread group can share thread group shared memory (TGSM) that is significantly faster than UAV memory, while TGSM size is limited to 32 KB or so. Utilizing TGSM is one of the key technique to accelerate GPU computation.

On this Sandbox compute shader, each shader writes adjacent GPU memory position simultaneously. This slows down write operation. It is better for each threadgroup threads to write to more remote memory position each other to write data more quickly.

Values written to u0 GPU memory

Sandbox.hlsl shader writes those values to the GPU buffer memory u0:g_Output.
    i, g_output[i], Shader function args to write this value
    0, 1.000000,   <== CSMain(tid=0, groupIdXYZ=0,0,0)
    1, 1.000000,   <== CSMain(tid=1, groupIdXYZ=0,0,0)
    2, 1.000000,   <== CSMain(tid=2, groupIdXYZ=0,0,0)
    3, 0.000000,
    4, 0.000000,
    5, 1.000000,   <== CSMain(tid=0, groupIdXYZ=1,0,0)
    6, 1.000000,   <== CSMain(tid=1, groupIdXYZ=1,0,0)
    7, 1.000000,   <== CSMain(tid=2, groupIdXYZ=1,0,0)
    8, 0.000000,
    9, 0.000000,
   10, 1.000000,   <== CSMain(tid=0, groupIdXYZ=2,0,0)
   11, 1.000000,   <== CSMain(tid=1, groupIdXYZ=2,0,0)
   12, 1.000000,   <== CSMain(tid=2, groupIdXYZ=2,0,0)
   13, 0.000000,
   14, 0.000000,
   15, 1.000000,   <== CSMain(tid=0, groupIdXYZ=3,0,0)
   16, 1.000000,   <== CSMain(tid=1, groupIdXYZ=3,0,0)
   17, 1.000000,   <== CSMain(tid=2, groupIdXYZ=3,0,0)
   18, 0.000000,
   19, 0.000000,
   20, 0.000000,
   21, 0.000000,
   22, 0.000000,
   23, 0.000000,
   24, 0.000000,